Fan Made Ourples!! in !!🟪Unofficial Ourple Guy Community🟪!!

Share your creations!

Working on a Baldi’s Basics FNF mod called Baldi’s Basics in Groovin’, as the voiceactor for Baldi, and also made this funni for the mod! Meet Breen Meth!

So I decided to use bit-mix which I am renaming to Winkly-mix. (made that up on the spot that’s why it sounds bad) I’m also redesigning Wink to be more unique

Wink Guy Ourple Guy D-sides my take. (The last two are for if I change it from D-sides to just Bit-mix)

Обновлённый дизайн Шедоу Бонни

more stinky guy....

they so goofty


heres my ourple guy oc thingy,,, stinky guy.

he goes by any pronouns and is pan, and ermmm he stinks!!!!! 🤯

No I’m not dead I’ve just been on Twitter more… anyways have some art I’ve made

It’s all amalgamations of art with no specific style but all made by me all for different things

One haft done merry Christmas guys!

Merry Christmas, they wish you bleez guy and bar men.

Also, you can ask Santa Bleez for your Christmas gift, anything, even humans, just say it in the comments